Sport Speed Conditioning

Sport Speed Conditioning

Sport Speed Conditioning is designed to improve speed, agility and quickness (SAQ) for any sport. This program can work during in-season or off-season training and is taught by a former collegiate athlete, David Nutting.

Mondays and Wednesdays
February 20-March 15

4 Weeks

Ages  8-24 (separated into age specific groups)
SGPT Studio
$180 Members | $240 Guests


This training will offer:

  • Linear and multidirectional speed training
  • Vertical jump training
  • Progressive loading and proper instruction on speed and jumping mechanics to strengthen muscle, tendon and joint stability
  • Reactive speed training for quickness
  • Stretch reflexes to reduce injuries
  • Mobility drills to increase range of motion (ROM) around the hips, torso, ankle and t-spine
  • Agility drills to increase lateral and backpedaling speed
  • Pre-Testing and Post-Testing
  • Homework Exercises

For More Information

David Nutting, Personal Trainer

[email protected]

303.770.2582 x376

Program Request Information
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