Membership Prepay

Month-to-Month or Prepay Memberships

At Greenwood you may choose between a membership paid month-to-month or an annual prepaid membership. Monthly memberships are a great option if you are here for a short period of time or if you need the flexibility. Monthly memberships may be cancelled with a full billable months’ notice, in writing.

Prepay memberships are available with a 10% reduction of dues for payments made one full year in advance; prepay memberships are non-refundable and non-transferable. Existing members may prepay for your membership at any time. If you are an existing member interested in learning more about prepaying contact [email protected] or simply fill out the form below.


Membership Prepay Form

Thank you for your interest in prepaying your membership for one year. Your responses have been successfully submitted and sent to the business office for final processing within the next two business days. You will receive a 10% discount for prepayment and two complimentary guest passes. Prepaid memberships are non-refundable and non-transferable. All prepay renewals must start the first day after the end of the prepay term in order to avoid paying an initiation fee. If you have prepaid your membership and choose to change your status to month-to-month at the end of your term, your must abide by the resignation policy and agree that monthly billing will start the first day after the end of your prepay term. Corporate membership discounts will not apply to prepays.

Please select one option: *
Corporate Membership

Membership Type to Prepay:

Athletic Club
Tennis Club
How would you like to pay?
Cherry Hills Village Resident?
Greenwood Village Resident?
Please Note: This transaction will be completed and payment processed within 48 hours of submitting the form unless an alternate date is requested in the Comments field above.