Kids’ Triathlon

TRI-OUR-VILLAGE Kids' Triathlon

September 7, 2025

An annual mini-triathlon for kids. The swim is in our outdoor pool, the bike and run are in Westlands Park and surrounding neighborhoods. Join in on the fun!


Club Greenwood Members can register online or on the App >
Programs > Filter by Triathlon

Non-Members: Please Create an account/Guest Profile (setting up your account will include adding a credit card to register); after you complete this process you can register for the Kids’ Triathlon

Green Course | Ages 11-18
175 Meter Swim, 2.25 Mile Bike and 1.5 Mile Run

Blue Course | Ages 8-10
Following Green. 125 Meter Swim, 1.5 Mile Bike and 1 Mile Run

Red Course | Ages 5-7
Following Blue. 50 Meter Swim, 0.5 Mile Bike and 0.5 Mile Run

Race Day Details

RACE DATE: Sunday, September 8, 2024

ENTRY FEE: $40 early registration (Now-August 16)
$55 regular registration (August 17-September 4, No guarantee of shirt size after early registration)
No race day registrations will be accepted.

AGES: 5-18

PACKET PICK-UP: Friday, September 6, 4:30-6:00pm 

WAVE/START TIME: Racers will be assigned a start time after registration is received.  Find your wave start time in your race packet. Waves will start between 8:30-10:30am in the order of oldest age group to the youngest age group.

Must swim length of the pool unassisted (Red Group-2 lengths, Blue Group-5 lengths, Green Group-7 lengths). Goggles and appropriate swim attire 
Bike and helmet
Appropriate footwear


Kids' Tri Training Camp


Are you ready for our Tri Our Village Kids Triathlon? Join our expert coaches to help our athletes prepare for race day. Practice the swim, bike, run, and transitions, plus learn race course safety. This camp offers skills and drills and tips and tricks for your child to prepare for a successful race day.

August 18 | 2:00-4:30pm 

Members $75 | Guests $90*


Price includes:
– Group warm-up
-Swim/Bike/Run course review
-Transition practice
-Triathlon Swag!

Athletes must provide own swimsuit, goggles, bike, helmet, running shoes and water bottles.

Meet outside near the Pilates Entrance parking lot

*Race fees not included

With Abbie Hayutin, USA Triathlete Level II Certified Coach

Through the Years with Tri-Our-Village

For More Information

Crystal Garland, Director of Aquatics

[email protected]

303.770.2582 x325

Program Request Information
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