300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

Open Enrollment
Check back for 2025 dates.

Club Greenwood is a registered yoga school, offering an advanced 300-hour teacher training program. This program is for yogis who already have a 200-hour certification and are wishing to further their studies. Students will deepen their understanding and application of the Yoga Sutras and other ancient texts, the subtle energies of the body, plus further explore the many creative ways and whys to program and sequence classes. Our 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training is designed with your busy life in mind, offering the freedom to start and complete your journey at your own pace.

ACS 201: Asana Cueing and Sequencing: Refinement

In this advanced teacher training workshop, students will build upon their foundational knowledge and expand their asana cueing and sequencing skills. Students will refine “the how and why” of designing class sequences based on asana families, students’ ability levels, seasons, times of year and more. Class meets once a month for six months. 

Prerequisites: ACS 101 and 102: Asana Cueing and Sequencing Basics and Application or Written Test-In

ACS 301: Asana Cueing and Sequencing: Exploration 

This advanced workshop will further explore the ways of cueing and sequencing for all level classes, special populations (kids, pregnancy, seniors) and advanced practitioners. Practicum includes class observations and critiques. Class meets once a month for six months.

Prerequisites: ACS 201: Asana Cueing and Sequencing Refinement

PHIL 201: Deepen Your Yoga Practice, Part 3 

This lecture-based workshop will continue to explore yoga’s full range of tools beyond the physical practice, including self-study, pranayama and meditation. Students will learn to integrate the experiential aspects with the informational aspects of yoga and apply them in their teachings.  

Prerequisites: PHIL 101 and 102: Deepen Your Yoga Practice or Written Test-In

PHIL 301: Deepen Your Yoga Practice, Part 4

Further deepen and refine your skills for practicing as well as teaching pranayama and meditation and working with the subtle energies of the body.

Prerequisites: PHIL 201

PHIL 302: The Yoga Sutras

The Yoga Sutras is one of the foundational texts on yoga, going beyond the physical practice to know yoga as a way of life. This workshop will dive deep into its philosophy and allow one to truly implement yoga into all aspects of one’s life plus apply to one’s teachings. 

Prerequisites: None. You do not have to be a yoga teacher or enrolled in Teacher Training to take this course. 

PHIL 303: The Bhagavad Gita

This philosophical module will explore the Bhagavad Gita and its timeless teachings in depth. Together, we will discuss its ancient wisdom plus how to apply it to modern daily life as well as one’s teachings. Class meets once a week for 11 weeks.

Prerequisites: None. You do not have to be a yoga teacher or enrolled in Teacher Training to take this course. 

ACS 302: Adaptive Yoga

Yoga is for everybody. This inclusive approach caters to those with diverse physical abilities and limitations. The focus is on creating a safe and supportive environment through the use of props and creative variations and modifications to allow and empower students to experience the transformative benefits of yoga, regardless of physical abilities.

Prerequisites: 200-Hour CG YTT graduate or Written Test-In

AYT 201: Ayurveda and Intro to Yoga Therapy

Ayurveda is yoga’s sister science and serves as a guide to help students understand their unique constitution and therefore how to tailor their practice, diet and lifestyle choices. Yoga therapy offers a personalized approach to healing, using specific yoga tools (asana, pranayama, etc.) to support one’s individual needs. Through the integration of these two, students will begin a journey towards optimal health and inner peace.

Prerequisites: 200-Hour CG YTT graduate or Written Test-In

THRM 301: Thermal

This 40-Hour training is for instructors and students wishing to deepen their knowledge and understanding of the Thermal sequence based on the classic “26/2.”

Prerequisites: None. You do not have to be a yoga teacher or enrolled in Teacher Training to take this course. 

“Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.”

–Bhagavad Gita 6:20 

Graduate Testimonials

“Greenwood YTT was an incredible place to complete my teacher training. The instructors made the experience so special and personalized to the individual. I would absolutely recommend this school to anyone looking to complete their certification in Denver.” –Katie


The teaching staff at Club Greenwood is fantastic. They are all highly experienced with vastly different backgrounds, making each one a unique contributing member to the entire learning experience. Not only were they professionally knowledgeable, but they cared about the process and how each one of us learned in a unique way. They were encouraging when we struggled and pushed us when we resisted. There is no way I would have finished with such a positive attitude without their nurturing enthusiasm. The entire program was top notch and I highly recommend!”


What a challenge YTT was for someone my age, but the education was invaluable. It took my personal practice to a deeper level while giving me a greater appreciation for my teachers. I highly recommend YTT if only to widen your knowledge and meet some wonderful people."

Stephanie Simpson, Group Fitness Coordinator
[email protected]
303.770.2582 x312


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Take your yoga practice to the next level at Club Greenwood with our 300-hour yoga teacher training! If you are interested in yoga teacher training near the Lone Tree, Centennial, Denver, Castle Rock, Cherry Hills, Englewood, and Greenwood Village areas, Club Greenwood is the place to be! Our yoga instructors have years of experience, that coupled with their passion makes them the perfect instructor for your teacher training.


Yes, and you can begin your journey at any time. Our advanced training program consists of 18 stand-alone modules that run year-round. Pay per module or receive a discount for payment in full.
Most of our workshops or specialty programs are available all levels. Be sure to inquire with the program director if you have any medical needs or are unsure if a class is correct for you. No experience is needed to begin your 200-Hour teacher training journey. A 200-Hour certification is required to enroll in our 300-Hour Advanced Training, as well as a “test-in” to the program. Contact Libby Barrett, Yoga Manager, for the study guide.
Our 200-hour yoga training program does not allow more than 15 hours are allowed to be missed, and our 300-hour modules do not allow more than 5 hours to be missed without make-up sessions. Although students may miss classes, they will still be responsible for any homework and other assignments due. Any make-up sessions will be at a rate of $85/hour and are in addition to base tuition costs. Our foundational philosophy modules for the 200-Hour program, Deepen Your Practice, Parts 1 and 2, are available via Zoom. They are also offered as a stand-alone course for any practitioner.