Bone Health Workshop

We generally start to lose bone density around age 40, when the body begins to lose bone minerals faster than it can create new ones. Take matters into your own hands to help alleviate joint pain, improve balance and strengthen bones. This workshop provides you with a solid foundation to properly perform exercises that help you live your best life. Must be stable on two feet and be able to get on and off the ground.

+Assess and measure progress in mobility, strength, balance and coordination
+Work on Core Strength
+Increase Body Awareness
+Improve confidence in Movement

Great for ages 40+
Must be stable on two feet, able to get on and off the ground as well as get into a quadruped position (hands and knees/ crawling position)

September 5 -26

Or on the App under Programs > Pilates

Pilates Ring Included with Registration
Members $140 | Guests $200
Studio 2

How to strengthen your bones

For More Information

Kim Myers, Director of Pilates

[email protected]

303.770.2582 x375

Program Request Information
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