Workouts with Kim Galbreath
Movement Focus: Loaded Beast Jump Squat
No equipment
Use this bodyweight movement when you need to add some cardio to a circuit or as cardio warmup!
Beginner: 3 X 8
Intermediate: 4 X 8
Advanced: 5 X 8
Movement Focus: Beast to Front Kick
Fully Body No Equipment
Animal Flow Warmup
For total body stability and mobility
Beast to Front Kick
3 sets of 10 alternating reps
Use as a warmup for any workout!
Lower Body Glute Focus
Warmup x2
10 Leg Swing/hip circle
5 Inchworm with Runners Lunge
10 Banded Side Steps each way
3-5 Rounds
*add weight as desired
8-12 Cossack Squat (L/R)
8-12 Single Leg Squat to bench
8-12 Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift
8-12 Hip Thrust
8-12 Pause Jump Squat
Weighted Flow – Full Body with Equipment
Scaled for all levels
Beast to alternating front step
3 swings, press, goblet squat
Beginner: 3 X 3
Intermediate: 4 X 4
Advanced: 5 X 5
Animal Flow: Beast Foot Taps
Use this beginner animal flow as a warmup to any workout for mobility, stability and strength. Get the body moving and the blood flowing!
Flow: Beast, 2 foot taps, Crab
Beginner: 2 rounds of 6 reps
Intermediate: 3 rounds of 6 reps
Advanced: 5 rounds of 6 reps
Full-Body Strength Workout
All levels workout, 35 minutes. Grab a pair of dumbbells.
Full-Body Strength Workout
Intermediate, 40 mins
Needs: Kettlebell or Dumbbell
Get a whole-body burn with these movements that are paired together for ultimate muscle growth but will leave you sweating too!
Warmup: X2
250m Run
5 Lower Body Flow
16 Walking Lunges
5 Rounds
1: Swing, High Pull, Snatch L/R=1 10 reps
60 seconds rest
2: Clean, Reverse Lunge, Press L/R=1 10 reps
60 seconds rest
3: Plank Skier Hops L/R=1 10 reps
Full Body with Kettlebell
Intermediate 40 minutes
Warmup: X3
50 High Knees
50 Butt Kicks
12 Beast to Crab with Reach
5 Rounds of:
20 Alt. Clean and Rotational Press
10 Split Stance RDL with Row (L/R)
6 Wall sit with Press (L/R)
Full Body Kettlebell Craze
Advanced, 40-minutes
Substitute with dumbbells if needed
1 Mile Run
5 Inchworm
8 Push Up
1 Min Plank
Complete each number fully before moving to next.
1. Jump squat to lunge step back 3 sets of 8 reps
2. Swing, Snatch 5 sets of 5 reps R/L
3. Clean, Press, Windmill 3 sets of 5 reps R/L
4. Burpee to Squat Clean Pulse 3 set of 8 reps
Fully Body Strength and Cardio
Intermediate, 40 mins. Equipment: Kettlebell or pair of dumbbells.
Leg Strength Workout
Intermediate, 40 minutes. Equipment: single or double dumbbell or kettlebell.
Movement Focus: Crab with Reach
All Levels: Animal movements for mobility and stability
Goal: 3 sets of 10 alternating reps
Movement Focus: Beast to Side Kick
All levels 10-minute warm-up: Animal flow movements
Goal: complete 3 sets of 12 reps of the new movement
Animal Flow: Scaled for All Levels
Work on full-body mobility, stability and strength with this full-body animal flow.
Beginner: 2 x 5 | Intermediate: 3 x 5 | Advanced: 5 x 5
Posture Reset
All Levels, 30 Minutes
Having neck, upper back pain from all this working from home? Use these moves when you wake up feeling stiff or after a day of work. Strengthen your rotators, traps and upper back with these at home, no equipment moves.
Equipment: Mini Band (Kitchen Towel) Long Band (Bungee Cord)
2 Soup Cans
3 Sets of:
12-15 External Rotation (L/R)
12-15 Internal Rotation (L/R)
10-12 Pull back to Overhead Press
12-15 Thumbs up Shoulder Raise
12-15 Bent Over Rows
12 Alternating Crab Reach