How to Improve your Nutrition

4 Tips for Achieving Your Nutrition Goals


The new year is a great time to re-evaluate some of your lifestyle choices and improve your nutrition. For many people, the new year is a time to refocus on their health. The reevaluation is often spurred by packed holiday schedules, complete with parties, celebratory drinks, and traditional sweets. It’s not always easy, but taking proper care of your body is worth it. Today, we will look at how to work towards a more nutritious lifestyle with help from Club Greenwood. 

Be Realistic

Don’t overwhelm yourself. Sometimes, we can set unrealistic expectations and try to tackle too much at once. Take small steps towards your fitness goals and work with a nutritionist or dietitian to figure out your most manageable plan. With anything, it can be much more effective to break things down into more bite-sized tasks. It’s okay if you slip up sometimes. Don’t beat yourself up! Just keep trying, and take it one day at a time.

Plan and Prepare

Most things don’t happen without a plan! If you are working on nutrition this year, it can be beneficial to create a step-by-step plan to help you follow through. One great way to do this is to meal prep. Plan your meals for the week ahead of time to ensure you get the nutrients you need. Without a plan, it’s easy to fall into the trap of convenience, which often leads to less healthy decisions. Track your diet on a diet app like Lose it! or MyFitnessPal. Tracking your calories is important for maintaining a healthy weight.

Find a Support System

We all need support sometimes! Finding a buddy with which to work on your health can be extremely helpful and motivating for both of you. Some of us are much more inclined to work towards our goals when we aren’t alone. In addition to a friend or family member, working with a Club Greenwood nutrition expert is a fantastic way to seek support throughout your journey. When you sign up for a nutrition membership with Club Greenwood, you can text and email multiple times per week with our experts. This added communication is great when you aren’t sure if a certain food item is healthy for you. When you purchase a nutrition membership, you pay $200 monthly for two 30-minute in-person or virtual coaching sessions, plus continual support and accountability. You are not alone! We also offer specific programs, including sports nutrition ones or a weight loss one called LEAN.

Remember The Benefits

When you keep in mind why you are making healthier choices, you will likely feel a lot more inspired to do so. There are many reasons to adopt a more nutritious diet, including improved mental health, reduced risk of disease, increased fitness levels, and better digestive health. These benefits, among many others, can help you realize the purpose behind eating healthier. We feel much more motivated than we would otherwise when we have a purpose. 

These are just a few helpful tips for working towards your nutrition goals this year. By having a realistic mindset, preparing, finding support, and keeping the benefits in mind, you should have the confidence and inspiration you need to achieve a healthier lifestyle. 

At Club Greenwood, we are happy to help you reach your health and fitness goals. Reach out to us at Club Greenwood today to get set up with a nutrition expert. You got this, and we are here for you!