Protect Your Crew from the Flu this season. If you haven’t gotten your flu shot yet, it’s not too late!

Stay up to date with the latest Club Greenwood news and explore health, fitness, and lifestyle tips. Our talented and knowledgable staff of trainers, instructors, and experts from countless areas of specialty offer their advice weekly to ensure members and guests like you are living your most vibrant life!
Protect Your Crew from the Flu this season. If you haven’t gotten your flu shot yet, it’s not too late!
The GroovyTek Help Desk will assist members with today’s technology (smartphones, tablets, and computers) by providing answers, resources and support always anchored in patience and respect.
The partnership between the Museum of Outdoor Arts (MOA) and the Club will provide the community with high-quality experiences in a unique setting and introduce the community to Marjorie Park.
Drop the kids off with us so that you can organize your holiday plans and shopping. Kids will participate in themed activities that will make the holiday season even
more exciting!