By Kristin Burgess, RD, Health and Wellness Coach and Personal Trainer Coconut water is not a…
Stay up to date with the latest Club Greenwood news and explore health, fitness, and lifestyle tips. Our talented and knowledgable staff of trainers, instructors, and experts from countless areas of specialty offer their advice weekly to ensure members and guests like you are living your most vibrant life!
Morning Glory Muffins!
By Rachel Zavala, Barre Instructor Tips and Introduction with Rachel Zavala: Full Recipe: Morning Glory…
Recent Research: Fish Oil and Heart Health
Kristin Burgess, RD and PT *Please consult your physician before taking any supplements. Omega 3 supplements…
Is Your Child’s Diet Optimal for Mental Health?
by Kristin Burgess, RD, Registered Dietitian / Personal Trainer You feed your kid breakfast. You feed…