Stay up to date with the latest Club Greenwood news and explore health, fitness, and lifestyle tips. Our talented and knowledgable staff of trainers, instructors, and experts from countless areas of specialty offer their advice weekly to ensure members and guests like you are living your most vibrant life!
Stroke School Prep
This 45-minute swim class at Club Greenwood is for swimmers ages 4-6 who are preparing for Stroke School or Swim Team.
SwimAmerica® Fast Track
Swim America is Club Greenwood’s small group swim program taught by certified swim instructors that take your child through all six water safety skills and stroke development levels.
Stroke School
Mini Sports Camps
Kids’ Swim Conditioning
Parent-Tot Swim Lessons
Kids’ Triathlon
Register for for the 2024 Kids’ Triathlon for ages 5-18! The swim is in our outdoor pool, the bike and run are in Westlands Park and surrounding neighborhoods.